My Practice

I am a visual artist. For this I use geometry as my tool and paper as my medium. My practice is consigned mainly to the wall in frames that range between the size of a hand and the size of a door.
This has been my practice for a number of years. Recently I won the Emerging artist award when I entered one of my creations in the Illminster gallery open exhibition as well as the opportunity to have 5 more pieces in an exhibition in January 2024. I also have had two commissions from St James Independent school as part of their Harmony project set up by King Charles.
Another element to my art is my spiritual practice. I aspire to meditate everyday and have spiritual teachers who help guide me through life. This allows me to have the patience to undertake the pieces that I make. I wish my art to help you find refuge away from the busyness of life, almost like a meditation just by looking at it. I have often watched people be absorbed by the shapes I have created as they seem to move and change the more you look at them.

I do try and explore different ways of highlighting geometry as much as I can and in my collection of wall pieces I have painted sunsets and sea behind the geometry, used text and pen lines to illuminate white shapes, intertwined calligraphy, gilded and painted parts and even written out Tibetan in red pen amongst black text to add spiritual meaning to the shapes they inlaid.